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French Art Deco original illustration drawing, hand-painted with ink and gouache on paper by Edouard Halouze. It features two stylish female models in an elegant outfit. Edouard Halouze was signed in the bottom left corner. 
This image was probably later reproduced in a pochoir (stencil), but this is the original painting by Halouze with some visible revisions.
Modern gilded wood frame with acrylic glass protection. 

Edouard Halouze (1895-1958) was a famous painter, illustrator, and decorator who created fashion designs and illustrations for French fashion magazines such as La Gazette du Bon Ton and Le Gout du Jour.
He exhibited at a special show, "Fashion as Seen by Painters," which was presented at the Musee des Arts Decoratifs in Paris in 1920.
He is known for his unique, Art Deco-influenced style in decor, costumes, and program covers for the French Music Hall and fashion shows.
In 1939, Edouard Halouze left France, escaping the German invasion of the country, and settled in New York, USA, where he remained until his death. In New York, he continued his design activities. Some drawings and illustrations from his American period can be found with a different signature: "Edward Halouze".

Art Deco Fashion Illustration Ink and Gouache Drawing by Edouard Halouze

SKU: 074-LU1212210202072
  • circa 1920

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